101 E. Floyce Street, Ruleville, MS 38771 (662)756-2100
Sunflower Diagnostic Center offers Mammograms, Sonograms, Ultrasound, Bone Density & yearly gynecological screenings, as well as, removal of skin lesions including moles, skin tags, skin cancers, and scar treatment. Sunflower Diagnostic Center accepts Medicare, Medicaid, Health Insurance, Private Pay and participates in the BCCP (Breast & Cervical Cancer Program).
Have your provider call (662) 756-4000 today to schedule your appointment.
North Sunflower Medical Center is proud to offer the services of Sunflower Diagnostic Center, whose primary mission is offering high quality, acute health care, and preventative medical care in a caring and compassionate manner to the Mississippi Delta.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP)
The Mississippi Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP) is offered at Sunflower Diagnostic Center. The BCCP receives funding from Susan G. Komen Memphis Mid-South Mississippi Affiliates to provide mammograms for medically underserviced women.
FREE Screenings are available if you meet the following criteria:
- 40-64 years of age
- Household income at or below 250% of the federal poverty level
- Uninsured or underinsured
- Not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid
- Resident of Mississippi
For questions, please call (662) 756-2100.
3D Mammography
Sunflower Diagnostic Center provides the latest diagnostic technology available through 3D digital mammography. Sunflower Diagnostic Center is the first center in the delta to feature the 3D state-of-the-art system, Selenia 3D digital mammography from Hologic, offering the state of the art Tomosynthesis imaging.
Sunflower Diagnostic Center is proud to be able to offer the newest technology for breast cancer detection. 3D Digital mammography is different from conventional mammography in how the image of the breast is acquired and, more importantly, viewed. Our radiologist can magnify the images, increase or decrease the contrast and invert the black and white values while reading the images. These features allow our radiologists to evaluate microcalcifications and focus on areas of concern.
“Over half of the U.S. News and World Report top 20 cancer hospitals offer Hologic 3D Mammography™ technology. More than five million women to date in the United States have already been screened with this life-changing technology, which is now available in 50 states and in over 50 countries.” – Hologic, Inc.
Bone Density Scans
Recommended for:
- Postmenopausal women
- Depo Shot for birth control
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Type 1 Diabetes
- Chronic Liver Disease
- Using Steroids or Glucocorticoid for 3 months
- Women age 65 and older
- Men ages 70 and older
- Height loss of ½ inch or more within one year
- Total height loss of 1 ½ inches from your original height
Call today to set up your appointment: (662) 756-4000.
Hannah Farmer, FNP-C
Hannah Farmer – Certified Family Nurse Practitioner with Sunflower Diagnostic Center, Sunflower Med Spa and Sunflower Rural Health Clinic. Offering Women’s Services with Sunflower Diagnostic Center along with cosmetic surgery and skin lesion consultations with Sunflower Med Spa.