We are excited to announce that we now provide imaging records and radiology reports to patients and care providers through secure, online access!
An Access Page can be faxed directly to a care provider by our facility or provided to a patient at the time of their visit to be delivered to their physician/provider.
Once an Access Page has been received, the care provider can easily view or import the shared imaging in full diagnostic quality.
For personal access to your imaging records, please provide your email to the front desk and follow the email link from PocketHealth to complete your enrollment. Once you register for access, you’ll receive your available imaging history from North Sunflower Medical Center!
To learn more, please visit www.pockethealth.com/patients.
There is a $5.00 fee at the time of enrollment which includes permanent access to all previous imaging as well as any new exams patients undergo over the following two weeks from North Sunflower Medical Center. You can update your accounts with new imaging records anytime for additional $5.00 fees.
Alternatively, a yearly subscription of $49 is also available to access all existing and future imaging for you and up to four consenting family members.If you are looking for more information about online access through PocketHealth, please contact PocketHealth directly at 1-855-381-8522 or by email at help@pocket.health.
If you are a physician, external hospital or imaging clinic wishing to learn more about the Access Page received, please view the following document:
**[Provider-to-Provider Sharing Recipient FAQ] (https://www.pocket.health/assets/p2p_share_recipient_faq.pdf.)**.”