
Prescription Refills, New Prescriptions and Transfers

To request a prescription refill, call (662) 756-4381 and use our automated system. With our RxMedic Automated Dispensing System (ADS), better known as “Phil” the Robot, you can call in your refills 24/7 and Phil will work for you. When our Pharmacist arrives the next business day, your refills are checked and completed for your pick – up or we can deliver them for FREE within 20 miles radius of North Sunflower Medical Center Pharmacy.  Check out RXMedic website to learn more about our system:

New Prescriptions

We have several options for your provider to order your new prescription:

  • Call our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system at (662) 756-4381 or toll-free at (855) 537-4276.
  • Fax (662) 756-2045 or toll-free at (855) 270-6747.
  • E-scribe.

Best of all, we can PICK UP your prescription from you for FREE within a 20 mile radius of North Sunflower Medical Center Pharmacy. We can then deliver your medication back to you for FREE! It’s just another reason people in The Delta are saying, “Take Me To Ruleville.”

Want to Transfer your Prescriptions?

Being part of the North Sunflower Medical Center family, North Sunflower Medical Center Pharmacy’s number one goal is Excellent Customer Service. If you would like to transfer your prescriptions to us, we have several ways to assist you in this process.

  • Bring ALL your current medication bottles to us or call (662) 756-4381 and we’ll pick up your medication for FREE (within a 20 miles radius) and we’ll make the transfer for you.
  • North Sunflower Medical Center Pharmacy will also need the following: Your Name, Date of Birth, ALL CURRENT Prescription ID numbers, Current Pharmacy Name & Phone Number, and your Insurance Information.