Rodney Clark

Rodney Clark Leading the Way

We’ve known about Rodney Clark’s financial and leadership skills for some time. Now, the rest of Mississippi is taking notice.
Rodney recently received a prestigious spot on the Mississippi Hospital Association’s Board of Governors. He attended his first meeting last month. He says he’s excited to share success stories from North Sunflower Medical Center as part of his service.
“We have an excellent reputation across the state, and I’m looking forward to highlighting our important role in serving the healthcare needs of the region,” Rodney tells us. “My priority is making sure rural hospitals have a voice, ensuring that our issues are not forgotten.”
The Mississippi Hospital Association advocates for strong healthcare policy in the state Legislature and tracks things like the economic impact of hospitals in the state. Most immediately, Rodney will be involved almost immediately, as the association seeks a new president and CEO.
“It’s a critical time to be involved in planning for the future of health care. I’ll be working with colleagues from around Mississippi on improving the well-being of hospitals,” he says.

Rodney Clark

Rodney Clark Making a Difference

Just after his selection to the board of directors, Rodney received another appointment to the Mississippi Hospital Association Solutions, Inc. board of directors. His first meeting for that position is in 2024. That group vets products and vendors to help connect hospitals to effective and innovative business solutions.
Rodney will be celebrating his ninth anniversary as chief administrative officer at North Sunflower Medical Center this coming spring. He’s known for his efficient leadership style and quiet intelligence. He’s also just the type of person you want to spend time with.
“Rodney cares deeply about the North Sunflower Medical Center staff and patients. He makes a difference here every day,” said Stacy Davis, associate executive director of the North Sunflower Medical Foundation. “We are not surprised that his insight is in demand. We appreciate his willingness to serve in these important jobs.”
Rodney says he’s planning his 2024 calendar around the additional meetings in the Jackson area and is humble about the opportunities.
“It gives North Sunflower Medical Center an immediate spot at the table to highlight our accomplishments and our needs in continuing to provide top-quality health care to the community,” he says.