Multiple Heroes at NSMC’s “One Call” Department
By Robyn Marlow
If you hadn’t noticed, something is going on at the “One Call Center” Scheduling Department at North Sunflower Medical Center. The “One Call Referral Line” is just what it sounds like. When you call NSMC, you get what you need in one call. They schedule appointments, answer questions and get you connected to a live person (never a voicemail) to help you get exactly what you need.
People outside the North Sunflower Medical Center family of doctors, nurses, administrators, and staff have always taken notice of the friendly voices and accommodating professionalism at “One Call”.
Why? Because, well, they had to. Their phone number is plastered on TV ads, radio commercials, websites, and billboards across the Delta. “One Call” is the first touchpoint anyone in the outside world has with our bustling little hospital. And that is a responsibility Stephanie Ray and her team takes very seriously.
Heroes of the Month
“We are the information center of the hospital,” Stephanie told us. “It’s our job to make sure your first experience with North Sunflower Medical Center is a good experience.”
The North Sunflower Medical Center Family has noticed their hard work as well. North Sunflower has honored FOUR One Call Center team members as HEROES OF THE MONTH over the past year. Michelle Floyd (April), Vanessa Stovall (July), Olivia Summers (August), and Courtney Burchfield (October).
What’s the secret? Stephanie said, “Hard work and dedication.” Yeah, thanks Ms. Stephanie, but that’s not exactly a secret. EVERYONE at North Sunflower works hard. We are dedicated to the patients and families we serve. “I try to make sure everyone on our team – all 10 of us – are happy to come to work each day. It’s a stressful job and each person has their area of responsibility, but we depend on each other, try to spread the stress around and work like a family.”

The One Call Team
“One Call” started as a one-person shop 10 years ago with a single person keeping appointments for the entire hospital on a single Outlook account. Now they have 10 people, each with their area of specialty. “We can tell you who is the best doctor in each specialty from Jackson to Memphis and which one can see you the fastest.”
“One Call” connects you to a live person without ever having to go to voicemail. The “One Call” team is also responsible for making sure insurance covers each procedure, how much a co-pay will cost, and everything a patient needs to know before coming in for a procedure.
“It gets very emotional. When each person on this team received an award, they cried,” Stephanie told us. “My goal is for every member of this team to be honored as Hero of the Month”. With four out of ten already holding the hardware, they are almost halfway to their goal.
Place one call to our Scheduling Specialist to take care of all your scheduling needs at North Sunflower Medical Center: 662-756-4000.